Sheriff’s deputies set to deliver toys, Dec. 15

  • Sheriff's deputies expect to deliver toys Friday, Dec. 15. Contributed photo
    Sheriff's deputies expect to deliver toys Friday, Dec. 15. Contributed photo

Every year the Llano County Sheriff's Office Brown Santa pro gram provides Christmas toys for kids who might otherwise not get any. This year is no exception.

Sheriff’s deputies expect to deliver toys Friday, Dec. 15 but if your chil dren, or children you know, should be part of the program you’re up against the deadline. Applications must be turned in by today, Friday, Dec. 8, to get children’s names on the distribution list.

Only school age children under the age of 18 are eligible for the pro gram, according to the rules.

The application will have to include proof of residence in Llano County (something like a driver’s li- cense or utility bill will do) and proof of the children’s ages, such as report cards or birth certificates.

Applications are available at any Llano County justice of the peace (JP) office. JP 1 is in Horseshoe Bay, in the county annex at 101 Ferguson Road. JPs 2 and 3 are both in the county’s East Annex at Ranch Road 1431, Buchanan Dam. JP 4 is in the Law Enforcement Center, 2001 N. State Hwy. 16, Llano. The sheriff’s office, in the same building, also has applications.

Brown Santa, named because the deputies’ uniforms are brown, is part of a nationwide nonprofit 501(c)3 program that collects toys and gifts for needy children.